What Comes Around Goes Around
We have heard the expression, “what comes around goes around”, but what does it mean? It means you are the totality of your thoughts and actions. If you are constantly negative, bitter, hateful and unfriendly, then that is how your world will be. You have a choice to see things as positive or negative. You are in control of your world. If you want to live in a world of happiness and joy, you can. It is up to you. The Bible says you will reap what you sow. Sow the seeds of happiness. Make your world a better place, and it will soon make a difference in the world around you.
We See Things As We Are
Have you noticed when several people are exposed to the same situation, they will each have their own interpretation of the events that took place? That is because we see things as we are, not as they are. You are the accumulation of your life experiences. We make decisions based on what we have experienced in the past. If we feel we have been taken advantage of in the past, then we begin to think everything is a scam. If you think negative, then all you will see is negative. You are what you think you are, so be positive and look for the good in everything. Before you look at the world around you, look at yourself first. Remember: We see things as we are, not as they are.
Believe In A Higher Being
It is important to believe in a higher being that yourself. Having a strong spiritual belief is very important. It can be very relaxing as well reassuring. A wise man once said “an honest man’s pillow is his peace of mind.” Having a clear conscience is very important. Look for ways to clear your mind. Let go of the should have, would have and could have attitudes. Do not look back, keep looking ahead. Get in touch with your spirituality and find a place you can call home.
Having a positive mental attitudes is very important. Thinking that someone else has it made and your life is miserable only keeps you down. Everyone has problems and is hurting inside. People that we think have it made may be hurting more than we imagine. Everyone hurts for something, so why not heal someone with sensitivity. If you say you are depresses, then you will be. Lift your head and shoulders, smile and look for the good in everything and your life will soon take on new meaning.